
As a preparatory action, potential target audience (protected area managers, forest managers and other public officers and employees) and stakeholders (rangers, forest owners, NGOs, private companies involved in conservation, academy) have been identified and included in a database, with more than 1.900 entries.

This audience receives all project information through a mailing list: advances, news, technical reports, results, etc.  If you want to be part of it, please, write to

Technical discussion forum

Target audience has been invited to join the project’s working group, where draft documents are discussed, best practices and case studies are identified, and technical discussions regarding conservation and adaptation management are held, between others. To this end, a RedIris-CSIC mailing list has been set as an online technical discussion forum.

In July 2017, the working group comprises 95 professionals belonging both national and regional administration (14 out of 17 regions and some provinces with forest and protected areas management responsibilities) and other public officers and employees.

If you are a protected area manager or a forest manager and you work for the public administration, you can participate in the working group and in the technical discussion forum. To this end you can write to

Exchange programme for protected area managers and rangers

In 2017 and 2018 three exchange calls will go out, aimed to protected areas professionals (both specialists and rangers). The main goal of these exchanges is to visit different demonstrative management actions.


The flow of knowledge from science to practice needs proper channels, in which personal contact and experience in the field are essential. Through discussions arranged at three technical seminars, practical documents have been drafted containing some of the newest concepts in ecology and forestry science incorporated to the project.

Training for Natura 2000 professionals

Communication and dissemination actions

Different communication actions will be executed through all project life through social networks and a biannual newsletter, between others.


Sharing results of the projects with other entities and projects involved in forest conservation and management, both at the local and european level.

Project Facts

Funding: European Union through the programme LIFE Environmental Governance & Information 2015.
Project reference: LIFE Redcapacita_2015 (LIFE15 GIE/ES/000809)
Total budget: 590.154 €
Duration: September 2016 – October 2019
Coordinator: Fundación Fernando González Bernáldez
Partners: Generalitat de Catalunya, CREAF, Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera

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