Fundación interuniversitaria Fernando González Bernáldez
para los espacios naturales.
Coordinating beneficary. Since its creation in 1996 has been working to promote bridges between the academia and the professional field of biodiversity conservation and protected areas. The value that differentiates the Foundation lies in its permanent alliance with the administrations that manage natural areas. Since 1997 it runs the Technical Office of EUROPARC-Spain, the main professional forum that brings together the administrations responsible for the planning and management of protected natural areas.
Generalitat de Catalunya. Departamento de Territorio y Sostenibilidad
In Catalonia it is the Administration responsible for the conservation of biodiversity. Through its technical services it manages the protected and threatened species and habitats in the territory. RedBosques involves both staff from the Natural Areas Service and the technical team from the Parc Natural dels Ports, protected area in which the pilot cases will be developed.
CREAF | Centro de Investigación Ecológica y Aplicaciones Forestales
Public research center in terrestrial ecology and analysis of the territory that generates knowledge and methodologies for the conservation, management and adaptation of the natural environment to global change. Its objective is to act as a bridge between the academic world, administrations and society, creating opinion and exchanging knowledge in its fields of action at local, regional and global scales.
Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera
Private foundation recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya. It owns 24 spaces of natural value that add up to a total of 7,884ha, 99% within the RedNatura2000, and which are visited by some 400,000 people a year. The mission of the Foundation is to preserve the natural and landscape values of these propierties as well as to ensure an orderly public use so that society can enjoy them and appreciate the natural heritage they contain. Pilot cases are developed in a forest owned by the Fundació.
Project facts
Funding: European Union through the programme LIFE Environmental Governance & Information 2015.
Project reference: LIFE Redcapacita_2015 (LIFE15 GIE/ES/000809)
Total budget: 590.154 €
Duration: September 2016 – October 2019
Coordinator: Fundación Fernando González Bernáldez
Partners: Generalitat de Catalunya, CREAF, Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera